
Hi and welcome to my privat Blog.

I`m a person who is interested in the most of all kinds of
Programming, Computer Security and Linux.
My main interest is Game Hacking for Linux and Windows.

I started with Quick Basic and C# around the year 2001.
Around 2002 i started to do some small stuff with HTML and PHP.
After i reached their limits, i started around the year 2003 with C/C++.
Now i am able to fall back on more than 5 years of experience in Computer Security,
Game Hacking and Reverse Engineering

Currently i am playing around with my 8 year old daughter,
but i am still searching for new stuff and new experience in every kind of Technology.

Known Languages:

  • HTML
  • PHP
  • Javascript
  • Quick Basic
  • C#
  • C/C++
  • Assembler
  • Python